Judicial Externship - LAWN899
4 or 5 CreditsThis clinic combines a field placement as a clerk in the chambers of a trial or appellate judge with a weekly seminar focusing on various aspects of civil or criminal litigation and the judicial process. The fieldwork component requires each student to work approximately 12 to 15 hours per week as a judicial clerk in state court. Students' responsibilities include observation and extensive research and writing on issues assigned by the judge. In addition, they submit weekly journals describing their placement experiences. Students will also be required to submit a paper of no more than 8 pages which summarizes the student's experience and thoughts on the judicial decision making process and the justice system in general. Integrating theory with litigation practice through simulations, the seminar component focuses on judicial decision-making and access to justice issues faced by judges, utilizing readings, student journals, and discussions of issues arising from the field placements. (No prerequisite.)