Volume 39, Issue 1
Prefatory Matter
Franchising Law in the United States Between Theory and Practice: Heads Up for Foreign Investors
Radwa Elsaman
Pandemics of Limitation of Rights
Rinat Kitai-Sangero
The Mad Hatter’s Quip: Looking for Logic in the Independent State Legislature Theory
Nicholas Maggio and Foreword by Brendan Buschi
The Categorical Imperative: In Search of the Mythical Perfect Privilege Log So Devoutly to Be Wished
Jared S. Sunshine
Is Jacobson v. Massachusetts Viable After a Century of Dormancy? A Review in the Face of COVID-19
Sawan Talwar
Subjectively Speaking, the Applicable Standard for Deficient Medical Treatment of Pretrial Detainees Should Be One of Objective Reasonableness
Benjamin R. Black
Community Caretaking Exception Saves Lives . . . the Supreme Court Disagrees
Gabriella Lorenzo
Mental Health in Prison: The Unintended but Catastrophic Effects of Deinstitutionalization
Felicia Mulholland