Volume 35, Issue 4
Prefatory Matter
The Friday Night “Who Is Driving?” Debate Will Soon Come to an End: How Autonomous Vehicles Are Changing Our Lives and Societal Norms
Nicholas Calabria
The “Foul” Protection for a Photographer’s Original and Creative Choices in a Photograph: Exploring the Implications of Rentmeester V. Nike, Inc. on Creativity in Photography
Olivia Lattanza
The Growth and Need for Veterans Treatment Courts
Chad Lennon
Just How Reliable Is the Human Memory? The Admissibility of Recovered Repressed Memories in Criminal Proceedings
Shannon L. Malone
Urge to Reform Life Without Parole so Nonviolent Addict Offenders Never Serve Lifetime Behind Bars
Johanna Poremba
The Copyrightability of Fictional Characters: Why Harry Potter, Arya Stark, and Matrim Cauthon Are Copyrightable
Justin Scharff
The Law of Obscenity in Comic Books
Rachel Silverstein
RICO Extraterritoriality, RJR Nabisco and Shareholder Residence – A Key Consideration in Determining RICO Domestic Injury
Laurence A. Steckman, Esq. and Adam J. Rader, Esq.