The Past, Present & Future of Religiously Affiliated Law Schools
September 15-16, 2022
On September 15-16, 2022, Touro Law Center, Touro Law Review, and the Jewish Law Institute hosted a national conference, "The Past, Present & Future of Religiously Affiliated Law Schools." The conference proceedings included presentations by university leaders, law school deans and faculty, judges, and lawyers from across the country, exploring a wide range of topics that included: Religion in the Intellectual Life of the Law School; Religion and Faculty Hiring; Religious Thought in Criminal Law Scholarship and Advocacy; Religion and the Practice of Law; and Religious Liberty Advocacy.
Conference Program
The Past, Present & Future of Religiously Affiliated Law Schools Program
Conference Videos
Day 1
Religion in the Intellectual Life of the Law School
Religious Thought in Criminal Law Scholarship &Advocacy
Past, Present & Future of Religiously Affiliated Law Schools (Part I)
Past, Present & Future of Religiously Affiliated Law Schools (Part II)
Day 2
Religion and the Practice of Law (Part I)
Religion and the Practice of Law (Part II)
The Life and Work of Robert M. Cover Conference
October 4 & 5, 2021
On October 4-5, 2021, Touro Law Center, Touro Law Review, and the Jewish Law Institute hosted a national conference, "The Life and Work of Robert M. Cover." The conference proceedings included presentations by leading scholars from across the United States and Israel, exploring topics that included, among others: Legal Pluralism and Religion; Law and Justice; Violence and the Law; Limits of Justice; Nomos, Jurisgenesis, and Communities; Rights, Obligations, and Justice; Cover and Judaism; Nomos and Jurisgenesis in American Law and Society; and Nomos and Jurisgenesis in International Law and Society.
Conference Program
The Life and Work of Robert M. Cover Conference
Conference Videos
Day 1
Law and Justice
Violence and the Law
Lunch Speaker - Avidan Y. Cover
Law and Literature
Limits of Justice
Nomos, Jurisgenesis and Communities (no Video)
Day 2
Cover and Judaism
Nomos and Jurisgenesis in American Law and Society
Lunch Speaker - Guido Calabresi
Nomos and Jurisgenesis in International Law and Society
Jewish Law in Comparative Context
September 14, 2020
On September 14, 2020, the Jewish Law Institute hosted a virtual conference, "Jewish Law in Comparative Context." The all-day conference featured prominent scholars from around the United States and Israel, who addressed areas of comparison between Jewish law and other legal systems. Among other themes, the conference focused on issues of disability rights and inclusion in Jewish and American law.
Presentations at the conference included keynote addresses delivered by the Honorable Elyakim Rubinstein, former Deputy President of the Supreme Court of Israel, Rabbi Michael Levy, President of Yad HaChazakah --The Jewish Disability Empowerment Center, and Professor Stephen Mark Shore, an internationally renowned speaker on autism.
Conference Program
Jewish Law in Comparative Context Conference Schedule
Conference Videos
Jewish Law in Comparative Context Conference Video Part 1
Jewish Law in Comparative Context Conference Video Part 2
Jewish Law and American Law: A Comparative Study.
April 1, 2019
On April 1, 2019, Touro Law Center, Touro Law Review, and the Jewish Law Institute hosted a national conference, "Jewish Law and American Law: A Comparative Study." The conference proceedings included presentations by leading scholars from across the United States and Israel, exploring a variety of areas within the two legal systems. Among other topics, speakers addressed substantive areas of law, legal practice and scholarship, law and equity, and philosophical and policy considerations. Papers from the conference will be published in a special issue of the Touro Law Review.
Benjamin N. Cardozo: Judge, Justice, Scholar
March 23-24, 2017
Louis D. Brandeis: An Interdisciplinary Retrospective
March 31 - April 1, 2016
Conference Program
Conference Videos
The Conference on Religious Legal Theory
April 10-12, 2013
Conference Program
The Conference of Religiously Affiliated Law Schools
International Conference of the Jewish Law Association
Summer 2012
In the summer of 2012, Touro Law Center co-sponsored the 17th International Conference of the Jewish Law Association, hosted at Yale Law School. Professor Samuel Levine, Director of the Jewish Law Institute, organized and chaired the Emerging Scholars’ Plenary Session: A Career in Jewish Law Scholarship. Dean Patricia Salkin delivered remarks at the opening reception of the conference.