Volume 38, Issue 1
Prefatory Matter
Symposium: Aging, Health, Equity and the Law Conference
Aging, Health, Equity, and the Law: Foreword
Joan C. Foley
Safeguarding the Public: Why Workers’ Rights Education Should Be Required Learning for Nurses
Esperanza N. Sanchez
End of Life, Elder Abuse, and Guardianship: An Exploration of New York’s Surrogate Decision-Making Framework
Tristan Sullivan-Wilson, Esq.; Deirdre Lok, Esq.; and Joy Solomon, Esq.
Fat Rights, Public Health Oppression and Prejudice, and the “Obesity Epidemic”
Nicholas D. Lawson
Balancing Clashing Scholars’ Academic Freedoms
Sharona Aharoni-Goldenberg and Gerry Leisman
Roadmap to Reconciliation: An Institutional and Conceptual Framework for Jewish-Muslim Engagement
J. R. Rothstein, Esq.; Shlomo Pill; and Ariel J. Liberman, Esq.
Blurring the Line Between Student and Employee: Exploitation of For-Profit College Students
Michele Abatangelo
Baby, We Were Born This Way: The Case for Making Sexual Orientation a Suspect Classification Under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment
Jennifer R. Covais
You Have the Right to Remain Silent, and It Can and Will Be Used Against You: Addressing Post-Arrest Pre-Miranda Silence
Maria P. Hirakis
How COVID-19 Put the Spotlight on the EMTALA
Ikra Kafayat
Improper Distinction Under the ADA Leads to an Irrational Outcome: Favoring One Life over Another
Daniel Frederick Parise
Once Mentally Ill, Always a Danger? Lifetime Bans on Gun Ownership Under Fire Following Involuntary Commitment
Amanda Pendel
This Is Your Captain Speaking, Please Remain Physically Restrained While the Robbery Is in Progress
Conner J. Purcell
There’s No “Gender” in Team: Developing State Policies for the Inclusion of the Transgender Interscholastic Athlete
Brianna Weppler
“I Was Just a Kid”: Addressing the Collateral Consequences of a Juvenile Record on Employment
Lauren Wray