December 2017
Ilene Sherwyn Cooper, Repeat Performance: More Insights on Receipts and Releases, N.Y.L.J. (Dec. 8, 2017).
Michael Lewyn, No, Your City Is Not Overcrowded, PLANETIZEN (Dec. 6, 2017).
Michael Lewyn, Does the Threat of Gentrification Justify Restrictive Zoning?, 46 REAL EST. L.J. 447 (Winter 2017).
Harry Ballan, was presented with the Chabad Lamplighter Award by Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone at the Grand Menorah Lighting, Brightwaters, NY, Dec. 17, 2017.
Samuel J. Levine, panelist, Should Religious Organizations Benefit from Legal Exemptions?, Columbia University Undergraduate Law Review, Columbia University, NY, NY, Dec. 6, 2017.
Marjorie S. Silver, presenter, Transforming Justice, Global Alliance for Justice Education (GAJE) Conference, Puebla, Mexico, Dec. 7, 2017.
Richard Klein, was quoted in, David M. Schwartz and Andrew Smith, Suffolk Judge Texted Prosecutors from Bench, Could Face Sanctions, NEWSDAY (Dec. 8, 2017).
Patricia E. Salkin, was quoted in, Jesse Coburn, Babylon Town Proposes Permit to Allow More Mixed-Use Development, NEWSDAY (Dec. 16, 2017).
Fabio Arcila Jr., Nuance, Technology, and the Fourth Amendment: A Response to Predictive Policing and Reasonable Suspicion, 63 EMORY L.J. ONLINE 87 (2014), was cited in, Andrew Guthrie Ferguson, Policing Predictive Policing, 94 WASH. U.L. REV. 1109 (2017).
Rodger Citron, (Un)Luckey v. Miller: The Case for a Structural Injunction to Improve Indigent Defense Services, 101 YALE L.J. 481 (1991), was cited in, Susan L. Wynne & Michael S. Vaughn, Eligibility for Court-Appointed Counsel in Federal Cases: A Review of Legislation and Case Law, 80 ALB. L. REV. 899 (2017).
Deseriee A. Kennedy, Children, Parents & the State: The Construction of a New Family Ideology, 26 BERKELEY J. GENDER L. & JUST. 78 (2011), was cited in, Tali Marcus, Cutting Off the Umbilical Cord - Reflections on the Possibility to Sever the Parental Bond, 25 J.L. & POL'Y 583 (2017).
Richard Klein, was in the top 10% of Authors on SSRN by total new downloads within the last 12 months.
Samuel J. Levine, The Law and the “Spirit of the Law” in Legal Ethics, 2015 J. PROF. LAW. 1 (2015), was cited in, Davis G. Yee, The Professional Responsibility of Fair Play When Dealing with A Pro Se Adversary, 69 S.C. L. REV. 377 (2017).
Samuel J. Levine (& Bruce A. Green), Disciplinary Regulation of Prosecutors as a Remedy for Abuses of Prosecutorial Discretion: A Descriptive and Normative Analysis, 14 OHIO ST. J. CRIM. L. 143 (2016), was cited in, Ronald F. Wright, Prosecutor Institutions and Incentives, 18 CRIMONOLOGY, CRIM. JUST., L. & SOC’Y 85 (2017).
Samuel J. Levine (& Bruce A. Green), Disciplinary Regulation of Prosecutors as a Remedy for Abuses of Prosecutorial Discretion: A Descriptive and Normative Analysis, 14 OHIO ST. J. CRIM. L. 143 (2016), was cited in, Wayne R. LaFave, Jerold H. Israel, Nancy J. King & Orin S. Kerr, CRIMINAL PROCEDURE (6th ed. 2017).
Samuel J. Levine, was in the top 10% of Authors on SSRN by total new downloads within the last 12 months.
Samuel J. Levine, was in the top 10% of Authors on SSRN by all-time downloads.
Michael Lewyn, Suburban Sprawl: Not Just an Environmental Issue, 84 MARQ. L REV. 301 (2000), was cited in, Jess R. Phelps, Defining the Role of Conservation in Agricultural Conservation Easements, 44 ECOLOGY L.Q. 627 (2017).
Michael Lewyn, Legalize Jaywalking, PLANETIZEN (Feb. 7, 2014) & Michael Lewyn, The Case Against Jaywalking Laws, PLANETIZEN (July 1, 2015), were cited in, Scott Beyer, U.S. Cities Should Loosen Their Jaywalking Laws, FORBES (Nov. 30, 2017).
Michael Lewyn, was in the top 10% of Authors on SSRN by total new downloads within the last 12 months.
Meredith R. Miller, Contract Law, Party Sophistication and the New Formalism, 75 MO. L. REV. 493 (2010), was cited in, Uri Benoliel, The Interpretation of Commercial Contracts: An Empirical Study, 69 ALA. L. REV. 469 (2017).
Patricia E. Salkin (& Amy Lavine), Regional Foodsheds: Are Our Local Zoning and Land Use Regulations Healthy?, 22 FORDHAM ENVTL. L REV. 599 (2011) & Patricia E. Salkin (& John R. Nolon), LAND USE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT LAW (8th ed. 2012) & Patricia E. Salkin, AMERICAN LAW OF ZONING (5th ed. 2016), were cited in, Jess R. Phelps, Defining the Role of Conservation in Agricultural Conservation Easements, 44 ECOLOGY L.Q. 627 (2017).
Patricia E. Salkin, Can You Hear Me Up There? Giving Voice to Local Communities Imperative for Achieving Sustainability, 4 ENVT'L & ENERGY L. & POL'Y J. 256 (2009), was cited in, Sarah Fox, Home Rule in an Era of Local Environmental Innovation, 44 ECOLOGY L.Q. 575 (2017).
Patricia E. Salkin (& Amy Lavine), Negotiating for Social Justice and the Promise of Community Benefits Agreements: Case Studies of Current and Developing Agreements, 17 J. AFFORDABLE HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEV. L. 113 (2008), was cited in Olatunde C.A. Johnson, Equality Law Pluralism, 117 COLUM. L. REV. 1973 (2003).
Patricia E. Salkin, From Euclid to Growing Smart: The Transformation of the American Local Land Use Ethic into Local Land Use and Environmental Controls, 20 PACE ENVTL. L. REV. 109 (2002), was cited in, Miriam Seifter, Gubernatorial Administration, 131 HARV. L. REV. 483 (2017).
Marjorie Silver, TRANSFORMING JUSTICE, LAWYERS, AND THE PRACTICE OF LAW (2017), was discussed in, Hon. Bruce Peterson & Stu Webb, Everything That Rises Must Converge Integrating Spirituality, Law, and Politics, 74 BENCH & B. MINN. 28 (Dec. 2017).
Sol Wachtler (& Keri Bagala), From the Asylum to Solitary: Transinstitutionalization, 77 ALB. L. REV. 915 (2014), was cited in, Sheila E. Shea, Robert Goldman, Ending Disparities and Achieving Justice for Individuals with Mental Disabilities, 80 ALB. L. REV. 1037 (2017).