October 2019


Hal Abramson, New Singapore Convention on Cross-Border Mediated Settlements: Key Choices, in MEDIATION IN INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL AND INVESTMENT DISPUTES (Catharine Titi and Katia Fach-Gomez eds., Oxford U. Press 2019).

Chad H. Lennon, Have You Served? Aid and Attendance and Housebound Allowance for Veterans and Spouses, SUFFOLK LAWYER, Oct. 2019 at 11.

Michael Lewyn, Do You Believe in Ghost Apartments?, 48 REAL EST. L.J. 234 (Fall 2019).

Dan Subotnik, The Fear of Hugging, INSIDE HIGHER ED (Oct. 25, 2019).


Sol Wachtler, Streamline New York's Court System, NEWSDAY (Oct. 14, 2019).


Hal Abramson, keynote speaker & presenter: Nelson Mandela as a Negotiator; Negotiation Styles; Singapore Convention; and Trust in Negotiations, Dispute Resolution/Mediation Conference 2019, Bar Association of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia (Oct. 19-20, 2019).

Hal Abramson, Choices for Negotiators-When to be Cooperative and When to be Competitive, ABA Section on Dispute Resolution Annual Conference (Apr. 2019).

Hal Abramson, Engaging the Real World: Globalization and the Technological Revolution and Research and Scholarship Across Borders, Appreciating Our Legacy and Engaging the Future-An International Conference for Dispute Resolution Teachers, Scholars, and Leaders, Pepperdine Law School (June 2019).

Deseriee A. Kennedy, The Criminalization of Poverty, Wealth Extraction from Communities of Color, and the Threats to Democracy, People of Color and the Future of Democracy, 4th National People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference, American U. (Apr. 2019).

Deseriee A. Kennedy, organizer: New York Law School Diversity Professionals Inaugural Workshop, Brooklyn Law School (Sept. 2019).

Myra Berman, facilitator, Initial Points of Entry Breakout Session, 2019 Statewide Stakeholders Meeting, NYS Permanent Commission on Access to Justice, NYS Bar Center, Albany (Oct. 28, 2019).

Jack Graves, Formative Assessment as a Bridge Between Online and In-Person Learning; Pitfalls, History, Regulation, and Lessons Learned: 25 Years of Online Legal Education; Standard 306 Today; Empirical Research, What Works and Doesn’t Work; Accommodations in Online and Hybrid Learning; and The Future is Here: Legal Education in a Hybrid World, Online Learning Conference: Online & Hybrid Learning Pedagogy: Toward Defining Best Practices in Legal Education, U. Denver Sturm College of Law (Sept. 27-28, 2019).

Elena Langan, Setting the Stage for Student-Centered Learning; Student Success and Faculty Engagement in Hybrid and Online Teaching; and The Need for Timely and Substantive Feedback, Online Learning Conference: Online & Hybrid Learning Pedagogy: Toward Defining Best Practices in Legal Education, U. Denver Sturm College of Law (Sept. 27-28, 2019).

Tracy L. Norton, Examples of Assessment in a Hybrid Teaching Environment, Online Learning Conference: Online & Hybrid Learning Pedagogy: Toward Defining Best Practices in Legal Education, U. Denver Sturm College of Law (Sept. 27, 2019).

Dan Subotnik, Consent to Sex: A Man Looks at 25 Years of Tendentious Feminist Writing, U. Oklahoma (Oct.18, 2019).

Appointments & Elections:

Joan Foley, was sworn in as a Board Member of the Federal Bar Association - Eastern District of New York Chapter, Central Islip Federal Courthouse (Oct. 16, 2019).


Harold I. Abramson, MEDIATION REPRESENTATION: ADVOCATING AS A PROBLEM-SOLVER (3d ed. 2013), was cited in, Deutsche Bank v. Devon Park Bioventures, 2019 WL 5697133 (Del.Ch.) (Motion for Mediation) (Oct. 28, 2019).

Hal Abramson, is currently in the top 10% of Authors on SSRN by total new downloads within the last 12 months.

Richard Klein, The Constitutionalization of Ineffective Assistance of Counsel, 58 MD. L. REV. 1433 (1999), was cited in, Brittany A. Carnes, State v. Curley: Modernizing Battered Woman's Syndrome in Louisiana, 65 LOY. L. REV. 223 (2019).

Richard Klein, is currently in the top 10% of Authors on SSRN by total new downloads within the last 12 months.

Samuel J. Levine (& Bruce A. Green), Disciplinary Regulation of Prosecutors as a Remedy for Abuses of Prosecutorial Discretion: A Descriptive and Normative Analysis, 14 OHIO ST. J. CRIM. L. 143 (2016), was cited in, Bruce A. Green, Regulating Prosecutors' Courtroom Misconduct, 50 LOY. U. CHI. L.J. 797 (2019).

Samuel J. Levine, is currently in the top 10% of Authors on SSRN by total new downloads within the last 12 months.

Samuel J. Levine, is currently in the top 10% of Authors on SSRN by all-time downloads.

Michael E. Lewyn, How to Limit Gerrymandering, 45 FLA. L. REV. 403 (1993), was cited in, Derek T. Muller, Nonjudicial Solutions to Partisan Gerrymandering, 62 HOW. L.J. 791 (2019).

Michael Lewyn, The (Somewhat) False Hope of Comprehensive Planning, 37 U. HAW. L. REV. 39 (2015); Michael Lewyn, You Can Have It All: Less Sprawl and Property Rights Too, 80 TEMP. L. REV. 1093 (2007); and Michael Lewyn, Zoning and Land Use Planning, 44 Real Est. L.J. 558 (2016), were cited in, Andrea J. Boyack, Responsible Devolution of Affordable Housing, 46 FORDHAM URB. L.J. 1183 (2019).

Michael Lewyn, Two Cheers for Instant Runoff Voting, 6 PHOENIX L. REV. 117 (2012), was cited in, Sacha D. Urbach, Reclaiming Electoral Home Rule: Instant-Runoff Voting, New York City's Primary Elections, and the Constitutionality of Election Law § 6-162, 46 FORDHAM URB. L.J. 1295 (2019).

Patricia E. Salkin, A Quiet Crisis in America: Meeting the Affordable Housing Needs of the Invisible Low-Income Healthy Seniors, 16 GEO. J. POVERTY L. & POL'Y 285 (2009), was cited in, Nancy E. Shurtz, Tax, Class, Women, and Elder Care, 43 SEATTLE U. L. REV. 223 (2019).

Martin A. Schwartz, Lawrence v. Texas: The Decision and Its Implications for the Future, 20 TOURO L. REV. 221 (2004), was cited in, Deontological Originalism: Moral Truth, Liberty, And, Constitutional "Due Process": Part II -- Deontological Constitutionalism and the Ascendency of Kantian Due Process, 43 T. Marshall L. Rev. 165 (2019).

Thomas A. Schweitzer, Justice Scalia, Originalism and Textualism, 33 TOURO L. REV. 749 (2017), was cited in, Peter Brandon Bayer, Deontological Originalism: Moral Truth, Liberty, And, Constitutional "Due Process": Part I -- Originalism and Deontology, 43 T. MARSHALL L. REV. 1 (2019).

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