January 2022
Sara Berman (with AccessLex Institute et al.), IMPROVING DIVERSITY IN THE DELAWARE BENCH AND BAR STRATEGIC PLAN REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS (National Center for State Courts & AccessLex Institute, Jan. 31, 2022).
Rodger Citron, Trump v. Mazars USA, LLP: The Case of the Chief Justice and the Congressional Subpoenas, 46 VERMONT L. REV. 1 (2022).
Eileen Kaufman, The Lawyers Justice Corps: A Licensing Pathway to Enhance Access to Justice, ST. THOMAS L.J. (2022).
Eileen Kaufman (with Carol L. Chomsky and Andrea A. Curcio), A Merritt-orious Path for Lawyer Licensing, 82 OHIO STATE L.J. 883 (2022).
Michael Lewyn, Bringing Judaism Downtown: A Smart Growth Policy for Orthodox Jews, 51 U. BALT. L. REV. 37 (2021).
Rory Bahadur (with Kevin Ruth & Katie Tolliver Jones), Reexamining Relative Bar Performance as a Function of Non-Linearity, Heteroscedasticity, and a New Independent Variable, 52 N.M. L. REV. 119 (2022).
Martin Schwartz, Second Circuit Upholds City Marshal's Right Not to File False Report, N.Y.L.J. (Jan. 4, 2022).
Honors, Awards & Appointments:
Hal Abramson, Advisor, Study Committee of the Uniform Law Commission on the Singapore Mediation Treaty, Uniform Law Commission (Jan. 2022).
Sara Berman, awarded, Essence of SALT Award for the Collaboratory on Legal Education and Licensing for Practice, Society of American Law Teachers Annual Celebration (Jan. 7, 2022).
Rodger Citron, Fellow, American Bar Foundation (2022).
Joan Foley, Chair-Elect, Section on AALS Aging and the Law, AALS Annual Meeting: Freedom, Equality, and the Common Good (Jan. 5-9, 2022).
Eileen Kaufman, awarded, Essence of SALT Award for the Collaboratory on Legal Education and Licensing for Practice, Society of American Law Teachers Annual Celebration (Jan. 7, 2022).
Richard Klein, Executive Committee, Section on International Human Rights Law of the Association of American Law Schools, AALS Annual Meeting: Freedom, Equality, and the Common Good (Jan. 5-9, 2022).
Samuel Levine, Executive Committee, Section on Jewish Law, AALS Annual Meeting: Freedom, Equality, and the Common Good (Jan. 5-9, 2022).
Samuel Levine, Executive Committee, Section on Professional Responsibility, AALS Annual Meeting: Freedom, Equality, and the Common Good (Jan. 5-9, 2022).
Michael Lewyn, Secretary, Property Section, AALS Annual Meeting: Freedom, Equality, and the Common Good (Jan. 5-9, 2022). John Linarelli, Touro Law School Representative, AALS House of Representatives, AALS Annual Meeting: Freedom, Equality, and the Common Good (Jan. 5-9, 2022).
John Linarelli, Chair-Elect, Section on Scholarship, AALS Annual Meeting: Freedom, Equality, and the Common Good (Jan. 5-9, 2022). John Linarelli, Executive Committee, Section on International Law, AALS Annual Meeting: Freedom, Equality, and the Common Good (Jan. 5-9, 2022).
John Linarelli, Executive Committee, Section on Law and Anthropology, AALS Annual Meeting: Freedom, Equality, and the Common Good (Jan. 5-9, 2022).
John Linarelli, Treasurer, Section on Law and the Social Sciences, AALS Annual Meeting: Freedom, Equality, and the Common Good (Jan. 5-9, 2022).
Patricia E. Salkin, awarded, Essence of SALT Award for the Collaboratory on Legal Education and Licensing for Practice, Society of American Law Teachers Annual Celebration (Jan. 7, 2022).
Bill Bird, presenter, What You Need to Know About Starting Your Own Firm, Perfect for Practice CLE for Recent Grads, Touro Law Center (Jan. 9, 2022).
Rodger Citron, presenter, Administrative Law Panel: New Voices in Administrative Law, AALS Annual Meeting: Freedom, Equality, and the Common Good (Jan. 6, 2022).
Mark Cohen (with Judge Jill Konviser), presenter, Criminal Trials for New Judges, New York State Judicial Institute (Jan. 7, 2022).
Mark Cohen, presenter, Criminal Law and Procedure Update, Perfect for Practice CLE For Recent Grads, Touro Law Center (Jan. 9, 2022).
Tiffany Graham, presenter, Serving a Diverse Population, Perfect for Practice CLE for Recent Grads, Touro Law Center (Jan. 21, 2022).
Eileen Kaufman, presenter, Alternative Pathways to Licensing, Working Group of the Court of Appeals (Jan. 21, 2022).
Deseriee Kennedy, moderator, An Overview of Reparations, Redressing Legacies of Injustice CLE, Touro Law Center (Jan. 26, 2022).
Richard Klein, presenter, International Human Rights Law, The Agony and the Ecstasy of Teaching International Human Rights Law Overseas, AALS Annual Meeting Freedom: Equality, and the Common Good (Jan. 8, 2022).
Samuel Levine, moderator & organizer, 2022 Distinguished Lecture: An Evening with Judge Rachel (Ruchie) Freier, Jewish Law Institute, Touro Law Center (Jan. 12, 2022).
Tracy Norton, presenter, Legal Writing, Perfect for Practice CLE for Recent Grads, Touro Law Center (Jan. 23, 2022).
Laura Ross, presenter, Free Reliable Legal Resources, Perfect for Practice CLE for Recent Grads, Touro Law Center (Jan. 23, 2022).
Patricia Salkin, presenter, Arc of Career Program, from Legal Education to the C-Suite: Lawyers Leading Higher Education, AALS Annual Meeting: Freedom, Equality, and the Common Good (Jan. 7, 2022).
Hon. Stephen Ukeiley, presenter, Landlord-Tenant Update, Perfect for Practice CLE for Recent Grads, Touro Law Center (Jan. 7, 2022).
Peter Zablotsky, presenter, Annual Ethics Update, Perfect for Practice CLE for Recent Grads, Touro Law Center (Jan. 7, 2022).
Michelle Zakarin, moderator, Who Should Own the Course Content Created for Online Delivery, AALS Annual Meeting: Freedom, Equality, and the Common Good (Jan. 7, 2022).
Elizabeth Justesen, was interviewed in, A Nonprofit is Offering College-Level Liberal Arts Classes to Inmates in Suffolk Jails, NEWSDAY (Jan. 24, 2022).
Harold I. Abramson, Regulating the Regulators in New York State, 58 N.Y. BAR J. 22 (1986), was cited in, Bennett Liebman, Incorporation by Reference in New York State, 37 TOURO L. REV. 1323 (2021).
Suzanne Darrow Kleinhaus, Portability of the UBE: Where Is It When You Need It?, 37 TOURO L. REV. 665 (2005), was cited in, Marcy L. Karin, Margaret E. Johnson & Elizabeth B. Cooper, Menstrual Dignity and the Bar Exam, 55 U.C. DAVIS L. REV. 1 (2021).
Peter Davis, Why Not a Justice School? On the Role of Justice in Legal Education and the Construction of a Pedagogy of Justice, 30 HAMLINE L. REV. 513 (2007), was cited in, Kenneth Townsend, Preconditions of Leadership in Law, 56 WAKE FOREST L. REV. 859 (2021).
Laura Dooley, National Juries for National Cases: Preserving Citizen Participation in Large-Scale Litigation, 83 N.Y.U. L. REV. 411 (2008), was cited in, Christopher Robertson & Michael Shammas, The Jury Trial Reinvented, 9 TEX. A&M L. REV. 109 (2021).
Tal Kastner (with Ethan J. Leib), Contract Creep, 107 GEO. L.J. 1277 (2019), was cited in, Brooke D. Coleman, Endangered Claims, 63 WM. & MARY L. REV. 345 (2021).
Deseriee Kennedy, “The Good Mother”: Mothering, Feminism, and Incarceration, 18 WM. & MARY J. WOMEN & L. 161 (2012), was cited in, Rahgan Jensen, The Costs of Separation: Incarcerated Mothers and the Socioeconomic Benefits of Community-Based Alternatives for Nonviolent Offenders, 35 BYU J. PUB. L. 297 (2021).
Samuel Levine, A Critique of Hobby Lobby and the Supreme Court’s Hands-Off Approach to Religion, 91 NOTRE DAME L. REV. ONLINE 26 (2015), was cited in, Dorit R. Reiss, Vaccines Mandates and Religion: Where Are We Headed with the Current Supreme Court?, 49 J. L., MED. & ETHICS 552 (2021).
Samuel Levine (with Gertrude N. Levine), Internet Ethics, American Law, and Jewish Law: A Comparative Overview, 21 J. TECH. L. & POL’Y 37 (2016); Samuel Levine, Applying Jewish Legal Theory in the Context of American Law and Legal Scholarship: A Methodological Analysis, 40 SETON HALL L. REV. 933 (2010); and Samuel Levine, Taking Ethical Obligations Seriously: A Look at American Codes of Professional Responsibility through a Perspective of Jewish Law and Ethics, 57 CATH. UNIV. L. REV. 165 (2007), were cited in, Kenneth A. Bamberger & Ariel Evan Mayse, Pre-Modern Insights for Post-Modern Privacy: Jewish Law Lessons for the Big Data Age, 36 J. L. & RELIGION 495 (2021).
Samuel Levine, Law, Ethics, and Religion in the Public Square: Principles of Restraint and Withdrawal, 83 MARQ. L. REV. 773 (2000), was cited in, Ermanto Fahamsyah & Fradhana Putra Disantara, The Dignified Justice Perspectives on the Enigma of Health Protocols COVID-19 as a Code of Ethics, 9 JURNAL PEMBAHARUAN HUKUM 1 (2022).
Samuel Levine, JEWISH LAW AND AMERICAN LAW: A COMPARATIVE STUDY (2018), was cited in, Benjamin Porat, הזכות לקיום בכבוד בראי המשפט העברי: מעמדה החוקתי The Right to Life in Dignity in Light of Jewish Law: Its Constitutional Status, 51 MISHPATIM 383 (2022).
Michael Lewyn, New Urbanist Zoning for Dummies, 58 ALA. L. REV. 257 (2006), was cited in, Kenneth A. Stahl, Incorporating Transportation Topics into the Land Use Curriculum, 106 IOWA L. REV. 2451 (2021).
John Linarelli, An Examination of the Proposed Crime of Intervention in the Draft Code of Crimes against the Peace and Security of Mankind, 18 SUFFOLK TRANSNAT’L L. REV. 1 (1995), was cited in, Xuan W. Tay, Reconstructing the Principle of Non-Intervention and Non-Interference – Electoral Disinformation, Nicaragua, and the Quilt-work Approach, 40 BERKELEY J. INT’L L. 1 (2022).
John Linarelli (with Margot E. Salomon & Muthucumaraswamy Sornarajah), THE MISERY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW: CONFRONTATIONS WITH INJUSTICE IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY (2018), was cited in, Emma Luce Scali, SOVEREIGN DEBT AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC RIGHTS BEYOND CRISIS (Cambridge Univ. Press 2022).
John Linarelli, How Trade Law Changed: Why It Should Change Again, 65 MERCER L. REV. 621 (2013), was cited in, Ahmed Arafa Abdelrehim Hammad, Legal Analysis of the Permanent International Investment Court and its Role in Establishing Consistency Under International Investment Law, 30 J. L. POL. SCI. 283 (2022).
Deborah W. Post (with Phoebe A. Haddon), Misuse and Abuse of the LSAT: Making the Case for Alternative Evaluative Efforts and a Redefinition of Merit, 80 ST. JOHN'S L. REV. 41 (1998), was cited in, Phil Lord, Black Lives Matter: On Challenging the Soul of Legal Education, 54 TEX. TECH L. REV. 89 (2021).
Patricia Salkin (with Ashira Pelman Ostrow), Cooperative Federalism and Wind: A New Framework for Achieving Sustainability, 37 HOFSTRA L. REV. 1049 (2009), was cited in, Wyatt G. Sassman, Community Empowerment in Decarbonization: Nepa's Role, 96 WASH. L. REV. 1511 (2021).
Patricia Salkin (with Julian Conrad Juergensmeyer, Thomas E. Roberts & Ryan Rowberry), LAND USE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT REGULATION LAW (3d ed.), was cited in, Alice Kaswan, Creating Home: Multilevel Governance Structures for Emerging Climate Migration, 93 TEMP. L. REV. 735 (2021).
Patricia Salkin, Municipal Regulation of Formula Businesses: Creating and Protecting Communities, 58 CASE W. RES. L. REV. 1251 (2008), was cited in, W.C. Bunting, Curbing the Anticompetitive Impact of Commercial Land Use Regulation: An Administrative Approach, 66 VILL. L. REV. 681 (2021).
Patricia Salkin (with Amy Lavine), Understanding Community Benefits Agreements, 24 PRAC. REAL EST. LAW. 19 (1998), was cited in, Michael C. Pollack, Reallocating Redevelopment Risk, 73 FLA. L. REV. 1081 (2021).
Patricia Salkin, US DOJ Files Suit Against Jackson, New Jersey, Alleging Zoning Code Used to Keep Out Orthodox Jewish Schools and Residents, LAW OF THE LAND (May 31, 2020), was cited in, Michael Lewyn, Bringing Judaism Downtown: A Smart Growth Policy for Orthodox Jews, 51 U. BALT. L. REV. 37 (2021).
Gary Shaw, A Heretical View of Teaching: A Contrarian Look at Teaching, the Carnegie Report, and Best Practices, 28 TOURO L. REV. 1239 (2012), was cited in, Jamie R. Abrams, Legal Education's Curricular Tipping Point Toward Inclusive Socratic Teaching, 49 HOFSTRA L. REV. 897 (2021).
Marjorie Silver (with Sanford Portnoy & Jean Koh Peters), Stress, Burnout, Vicarious Trauma, and Other Emotional Relatives in the Lawyer/Client Relationship: A Panel Discussion, 19 TOURO L. REV. 847 (2004); Marjorie Silver, Emotional Competence, Multicultural Lawyering and Race, 3 FLA. COASTAL L.J. 219 (2002); and Marjorie Silver, Love, Hate, and Other Emotional Interference in the Lawyer/Client Relationship, 6 CLINICAL L. REV. 259 (1999), were cited in, Laila L. Hlass & Lindsay M. Harris, Critical Interviewing, 2021 UTAH L. REV. 683 (2021).
Marjorie Silver, Love, Hate, and Other Emotional Interference in the Lawyer/Client Relationship, 6 CLINICAL L. REV. 259 (1999) & Marjorie Silver (Sanford Portnoy & Jean Koh Peters), Stress, Burnout, Vicarious Trauma, and Other Emotional Relatives in the Lawyer/Client Relationship: A Panel Discussion, 19 TOURO L. REV. 847 (2004), were cited in, Lindsay M. Harris & Hillary Mellinger, Asylum Attorney Burnout and Secondary Trauma, 56 WAKE FOREST L. REV. 733 (2021).
Marjorie Silver (with Sanford Portnoy & Jean Koh Peters), Stress, Burnout, Vicarious Trauma, and Other Emotional Relatives in the Lawyer/Client Relationship: A Panel Discussion, 19 TOURO L. REV. 847 (2004), was cited in, Seema Tahir Saifee, Sustaining Lawyers, 56 WAKE FOREST L. REV. 907 (2021).
Marjorie Silver, The Uses and Abuses of Informal Procedures in Federal Civil Rights Enforcement, 55 GEO.WASH. L. REV. 482 (1987), was cited in, Alexa I. Massad, Title IX-Where Is It Now and Where Should It Go?: Analysis of Existing Policy on Campus Sexual Harassment and Recommendations for Modification, 40 QUINNIPIAC L. REV. 119 (2021).
Martin Schwartz (with Karen Blum & Erwin Chemerinsky), Qualified Immunity Developments: Not Much Hope Left for Plaintiffs, 29 TOURO L. REV. 633 (2013), was cited in, Alexis Karteron, Reparations for Police Violence, 45 N.Y.U. REV. L. & SOC. CHANGE 405 (2021).
Martin Schwartz, FED. JUD. CTR., SECTION 1983 LITIGATION (Kris Markarian ed., 3d ed. 2014), was cited in, Cynthia Lee, Officer-Created Jeopardy: Broadening the Time Frame for Assessing A Police Officer's Use of Deadly Force, 89 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 1362 (2021).
Dan Subotnik, Does Testing = Race Discrimination?: Ricci, the Bar Exam, the LSAT, and the Challenge to Learning, 8 U. MASS. L. REV. 332 (2013), was cited in, Carsen Nies, For More Equitable Licensure, Washington State Needs Diploma Privilege, Not the Bar Exam, 20 SEATTLE J. FOR SOC. JUST. 287 (2021).