August 2020
Ilene S. Cooper, Opening Up, N.Y.L.J. (Aug. 1, 2020).
John Linarelli, Global Legal Pluralism and Commercial Law, in THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF GLOBAL LEGAL PLURALISM (2020).
Patricia E. Salkin, ABA Does the Right Thing and Stands with Law School Graduates in the Midst of the Pandemic, JURIST (Aug. 5, 2020).
Martin A. Schwartz, Excessive Force Claims Against Federal Officers, N.Y.L.J. (Aug. 31, 2020).
Michelle Zakarin, Creating and Implementing Teaching Videos for Interactive Learning in Hybrid and Online Classes, CENTER FOR EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING & LEARNING BLOG (Aug. 6, 2020).
Patricia E. Salkin, was quoted in, Karen Sloan, Ditch In-Person Bar Exams During Pandemic, ABA Says, N.Y.L.J. (Aug. 6, 2020).
Patricia E. Salkin, was quoted in, Aebra Coe, ABA Urges States To Halt In-Person Exams During Pandemic, LAW 360 (Aug. 4, 2020).
Tracy L. M. Norton, Speedy Trial Violations in Times of Disaster, Mini-Conferences on Coronavirus and Law, University of Oklahoma College of Law (Apr. 24, 2020).
Tracy L. M. Norton, Mentoring Panel, Conference for Excellence in Teaching Legal Research and Writing Online, William and Mary Law School (June 19, 2020).
Eileen R. Kaufman, (with Andrea Anne Curcio & Carol L. Chomsky), Testing, Diversity & Merit, A Reply to Dan Subotnik and Others, 9 U. MASS. L. REV. 206 (2014), was cited in, Joan W. Howarth, The Professional Responsibility Case for Valid and Nondiscriminatory Bar Exams, 33 GEO. J. LEGAL ETHICS 931 (2020).
Samuel J. Levine, Disciplinary Regulation of Prosecutorial Discretion: What Would a Rule Look Like?, 16 OHIO STATE J. CRIM. L. 347 (2019) & Samuel J. Levine (with Bruce A. Green), Disciplinary Regulation of Prosecutors as a Remedy for Abuses of Prosecutorial Discretion: A Descriptive and Normative Analysis, 14 OHIO ST. J. CRIM. L. 143 (2016), were cited in, Brett L. Tolman, Deterring Prosecutors from Abusive Behavior: A Former Federal Prosecutor's View, 58 U. LOUISVILLE L. REV. 415 (2020).
Samuel J. Levine (with Bruce A. Green), Disciplinary Regulation of Prosecutors as a Remedy for Abuses of Prosecutorial Discretion: A Descriptive and Normative Analysis, 14 OHIO ST. J. CRIM. L. 143 (2016), was cited in, Bruce A. Green & Ellen Yaroshefsky, Should Criminal Justice Reformers Care About Prosecutorial Ethics Rules?, 58 DUQ. L. REV. 249 (2020).
Samuel J. Levine, Rethinking the Supreme Court's Hands-Off Approach to Questions of Religious Practice and Belief, 25 FORDHAM URB. L.J. 85 (1997), was cited in, B. Jessie Hill, Reconsidering Hostile Takeover of Religious Organizations, 97 WASH. U.L. REV. 1833 (2020).
Samuel J. Levine, Rethinking the Supreme Court's Hands-Off Approach to Questions of Religious Practice and Belief, 25 FORDHAM URB. L.J. 85 (1997), was cited in, Michael A. Helfand, 'the Peculiar Genius of Private-Law Systems': Making Room for Religious Commerce, 97 WASH. U.L. REV. 1787 (2020).
Samuel J. Levine, An Introduction to Self-Incrimination in Jewish Law, with Application to the American Legal System: A Psychological and Philosophical Analysis, 28 LOY. L.A. INT'L & COMP. L. REV. 257 (2006), was cited in, Piotr Majdanik, The Concept of Noakhite Rights in Sefer Ha-Chinuch, 44(2) JUDAICA STUDIES 195 (2019).
Samuel J. Levine, Applying Jewish Legal Theory in the Context of American Law and Legal Scholarship: A Methodological Analysis, 40 SETON HALL L. REV. 933 (2010); Samuel J. Levine, Emerging Applications of Jewish Law in American Legal Scholarship: An Introduction, 23 J. LAW & RELIGION 43 (2007); Samuel J. Levine, An Introduction to Legislation in Jewish Law, with References to the American Legal System, 29 SETON HALL L. REV. 916 (2006); Samuel J. Levine, Teaching Jewish Law in American Law Schools: An Emerging Development in Law and Religion, 26 FORDHAM URB. L. J. 1041 (1999); and Samuel J. Levine, Jewish Legal Theory and American Constitutional Theory: Some Comparisons and Contrasts, 24 HASTINGS CONST. L. Q. 441 (1997), were cited in, Marylin J. Raisch, Jewish Law Seminar: An Illustrative Selection of Materials available through the Georgetown Law Library, GEORGETOWN L. CTR. (Feb. 22, 2020).
Michael Lewyn, The Criminalization of Walking, 2017 U. ILL. L. REV. 1167, was cited in, Stephen J. Ware, Paternalism or Gender-Neutrality?, 52 CONN. L. REV. 537 (2020).
Michael Lewyn, The Puzzling Persistence of Horizontal Privity, 27 PROB. & PROP. 32 (May/June 2013), was cited in, Alex Ritchie, 68 CAIL ANNUAL INSTITUTE ON OIL & GAS LAW § 1.03 (2020).
John Linarelli (with Sue Arrowsmith & Don Wallace Jr.), REGULATING PUBLIC PROCUREMENT: NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES (2000), was cited in, Luana Swensson & Florence Tartanac, Public Food Procurement for Sustainable Diets and Food Systems: The Role of the Regulatory Framework, 25 GLOBAL FOOD SECURITY (June 2020).
John Linarelli, (with Margot Salomon & Muthu Sornarajah), THE MISERY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW: CONFRONTATIONS WITH INJUSTICE IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY (Oxford University Press 2018), was cited in, Nicols M. Perrone, 3 LEIDEN J. INT’L L. 557 (2020).
John Linarelli, Informing the WTO's Transparency Agenda: Law, Economics and International Relations Theory, in PUBLIC PROCUREMENT: THE CONTINUING REVOLUTION (Kluwer Int’l 2002), was cited in, Susan Brown-Shafii, PROMOTING GOOD GOVERNANCE, DEVELOPMENT AND ACCOUNTABILITY IMPLEMENTATION AND THE WTO (INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY) (2020).
John Linarelli, (with Margot Salomon & Muthu Sornarajah), THE MISERY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW: CONFRONTATIONS WITH INJUSTICE IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY (Oxford University Press 2018), was cited in, Lee McConnell, Opportunity and Impasse: Social Change and the Limits of International Legal Strategy, INT’L THEORY (Aug. 2020).
Meredith R. Miller, Contract Law, Party Sophistication and the New Formalism, 75 MONT. L. REV. 493 (2010), was cited in, Max Birmingham, The Paper Chase: Should the Principles of Contract Law Govern ERISA Section 302?, 37 HOFSTRA LAB. & EMP. L.J. 293 (2020).
Jeffrey B. Morris, Warren E. Burger and Change in Legal Education, 11 COLONIAL LAW. 1 (1981), was cited in, Eric S. Janus, The "Worst Idea Ever!"-Lessons from One Law School's Pioneering Embrace of Online Learning Methods, 70 SYRACUSE L. REV. 13 (2020).
Patricia E. Salkin, Right to Farm Laws, in 4 AM. LAW ZONING § 33:5 (5th ed.), was cited in, Beau R. Morgan, Iowa and Right to Farm: An Analysis of the Constitutionality of Right to Farm Statutes across the United States, 53 CREIGHTON L. REV. 623 (2020).
Patricia E. Salkin (with Amy Lavine), The Genesis of RLUIPA and Federalism: Evaluating the Creation of a Federal Statutory Right and its Impact on Local Government, 40 URB. LAW. 195 (2008), was cited in, Lucien J. Dhooge, RLUIPA at 20: A Quantitative Study of Its Impact on Land Use and Religious Minorities, 46 J. LEGIS. 207 (2020).
Martin A. Schwartz, SECTION 1983 CLAIMS & DEFENSES, § 3.18 (4th ed. 2018 Supp.), was cited in, Emmanuel v. King County, 2020 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 152320 (W.D. Wash. Aug. 21, 2020).
Martin A. Schwartz (& John E. Kirklin), SECTION 1983 LITIGATION: CLAIMS, DEFENSES, AND FEES § 9.20 (2d ed. 1991), was cited in, Antonio v. Bd. of Cty. Comm’rs for the Cty. of Cibola, 2020 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 159881 (D.N.M. Sep. 2, 2020).
Marjorie Silver, Love, Hate, and Other Emotional Interferences in the Lawyer/Client Relationship, 6 CLINICAL L. REV. 259 (1999), was cited in, Claire P. Donohue, The Unexamined Life: A Framework to Address Judicial Bias in Custody Determinations and Beyond, 21 GEO. J. GENDER & L. 557 (2020).
Marjorie A Silver, Emotional Competence, Multicultural Lawyering and Race, 3 FLA. COASTAL L.J. 219 (2002), was cited in, L. Danielle Tully, The Cultural (Re)turn: The Case for Teaching Culturally Responsive Lawyering, 16 STAN. J. CIV. RTS. & CIV. LIBERTIES 201 (2020).
Marjorie A Silver, Stress, Burnout, Vicarious Trauma, and Other Emotional Realities in the Lawyer/Client Relationship, 19 TOURO L. REV. 847 (2004), was cited in, Colin James, Towards Trauma-Informed Legal Practice: A Review, 27(9) PSYCH., PSYCH. & L. 1 (Feb 2020).
Theodore Silver, One Hundred Years of Harmful Error: The Historical Jurisprudence of Medical Malpractice, 1992 WIS. L. REV. 1193 (1992), was cited in, Bryan H. Choi, Software As a Profession, 33 HARV. J.L. & TECH. 557 (2020).
Hal Abramson, is currently in the top 10% of Authors on SSRN by total new downloads within the last 12 months.
Richard Klein, is currently in the top 10% of Authors on SSRN by total new downloads within the last 12 months.
Samuel J. Levine, is currently in the top 10% of Authors on SSRN by total new downloads within the last 12 months.
Samuel J. Levine, is currently in the top 10% of Authors on SSRN by all-time downloads.
Michael Lewyn, is currently in the top 10% of Authors on SSRN by total new downloads within the last 12 months.
Michael Lewyn, is currently in the top 10% of Authors on SSRN by all-time downloads.
John Linarelli, is currently in the top 10% of Authors on SSRN by total new downloads within the last 12 months.
John Linarelli, is currently in the top 10% of Authors on SSRN by all-time downloads.
John Linarelli, Transatlantic Divisions in Methods of Inquiry About Law: What it Means for International Law, in HANDBOOK ON RESEARCH METHODS IN INTERNATIONAL LAW (Forthcoming 2021), was recently listed on SSRN's Top Ten download list for: LSN: Other Public International Law & LSN: Other Public International Law: Sources.
Patricia E. Salkin, is currently in the top 10% of Authors on SSRN by total new downloads within the last 12 months.
Eileen R. Kaufman, Joan W. Howarth, The Professional Responsibility Case for Valid and Nondiscriminatory Bar Exams, 33 GEO. J. LEGAL ETHICS 931 (2020).
Jeffrey B. Morris, Cody M. Gecht, Lawful Permanent Residency: A Potential Solution for Temporary Protected Status Holders in the Eastern District of New York, 36 TOURO L. REV. 471 (2020).
Rena Seplowitz, Alessandra E. Albano, Caveat Emptor: Real Property Law's "Get Out of Jail Free" Card v. the Property Condition Disclosure Act, 36 TOURO L. REV. 367 (2020).
Samuel J. Levine, Marylin J. Raisch, Jewish Law Seminar: An Illustrative Selection of Materials available through the Georgetown Law Library, GEORGETOWN L. CTR. (Feb. 22, 2020).
John Linarelli, Nicols M. Perrone, 3 LEIDEN J. INT’L L.557 (2020).