June 2022


Sara J. Berman, Attorneys, How about Teaching Law School?, Baldwin Herald (June 23, 2022).

Ilene Sherwyn Cooper, The Halfway Point: Decisions of Interest Mid-2022, N.Y.L.J. (June 6, 2022).

Samuel J. Levine, The Art of Legal Interpretation, BALKINIZATION (June 20, 2022).

John Linarelli, A Philosophy of Contract Law for Artificial Intelligence: Shared Intentionality, in CONTRACTING AND CONTRACT LAW IN THE AGE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Bloomsbury 2022).

Sol Wachtler, Showdown on Guns at U.S. Supreme Court, NEWSDAY (June 12, 2022).

Sol Wachtler, Remember the ‘United’ in U.S.A., TIMES UNION (June 11, 2022).

Sol Wachtler, You Want To Know About Semi-Automatic Weapons? Ask a War Veteran, N.Y.L.J. (June 6, 2022).

Michelle Zakarin, Requiring What’s Not Required: Circuit Courts Are Disregarding Supreme Court Precedent and Revisiting Officer Inadvertence in Cyberlaw Cases, 16 CHARLESTON L. REV. 63 (2022).

Honors, Awards & Appointments:

Patricia Salkin, Task Force on the Ethics of Public Sector Lawyering Appointment. New York State Bar Association (June 1, 2022).

Michelle Zakarin, 2022 Touro University Open Educational Resources (OER) Faculty Fellowship (2022).


Joan Foley, panelist, Health Law: An Integral Component of Interprofessional Education, 45th Annual Health Law Professors Conference, Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law, Arizona State University (June 3, 2022).

Joan Foley, presenter, Elder Law Mentoring, Speed Sharing Series, AALS Section on Aging and the Law, (June 28, 2022).

Joan Foley, presenter, Professional Identity Formation through Interdisciplinary Learning, Second Annual Speed Idea-Sharing Series, AALS Section on Balance & Well-Being in Legal Education (June 15, 2022).

Tal Kastner, presenter, Sula and the “Joke” of Contract, Association of Law, Culture, and the Humanities Annual Meeting, Emory University School of Law (June 16, 2022).

Samuel J. Levine, presenter, Was Yosef on the Spectrum?, Community Autism Socials, Yale (June 3, 2022).

Samuel J. Levine, presenter, Was Yosef on the Spectrum?, Institute on Theology and Disability Conference (June 7, 2022). Methodist Theological School, Ohio.

Samuel J. Levine, moderator and organizer, Criminal Justice Ethics Schmooze, NYLS (June 9-10, 2022).

Meredith Miller, panelist, What It's Really Like to Practice Law as a Woman, New York Women's Bar Association & New York City Bar Association (June 19, 2022).


Hal Abramson, presenter, Professor Hal Abramson- Embracing Opportunities in a Legal Profession, TOURO LAW REVIEW PODCAST (June 29, 2022).

Rodger Citron, moderator, Part One -“Hitting the Trifecta” with the Hon. Mark D. Cohen, TOURO LAW REVIEW PODCAST (June 16, 2022).

Rodger Citron, moderator, Part Two - A Discussion of No-Knock Warrants with the Hon. Mark D. Cohen, TOURO LAW REVIEW PODCAST (June 23, 2022).

Hon. Mark Cohen, presenter, Part One -“Hitting the Trifecta” With the Hon. Mark D. Cohen, TOURO LAW REVIEW PODCAST (June 16, 2022).

Hon. Mark Cohen, presenter, Part Two - A Discussion of No-Knock Warrants with the Hon. Mark D. Cohen, TOURO LAW REVIEW PODCAST (June 23, 2022).

Deseriee Kennedy (with April Zeoli & Jeff Temple), presenter, Closing the “Boyfriend Loophole” with Gun Legislation, NPR: 1A. (June 28, 2022).

Michele Zakarin, moderator, Professor Hal Abramson- Embracing Opportunities in a Legal Profession, TOURO LAW REVIEW PODCAST (June 29, 2022).


Myra E. Berman, Portal to Practice: A Multidimensional Approach to Integrating Experiential Education into the Traditional Law School Curriculum, 1 J. EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING 157 (2015), was cited in, Nathan L. Wadlinger, Using Negotiation Exercises to Build A Better Tax Foundation While Keeping Students Actively Engaged, 19 PITT. TAX REV. 371 (2022).

Sara Berman (et al.), Diploma Privilege, and the Constitution, 73 S.M.U. L. REV. F. 168 (2020), was cited in, Milan Markovic, Protecting the Guild or Protecting the Public? Bar Exams and the Diploma Privilege, 35 GEO. J. LEGAL ETHICS 163 (2022).

Rodger Citron, (Un)Luckey v. Miller: The Case for a Structural Injunction to Improve Indigent Defense Services, 101 YALE L.J. 481 (1991), was cited in, State Pub. Defender v. Amaya, (No. 20–1346) 2022 Iowa Sup. LEXIS 83 (June 24, 2022).

Suzanne Darrow-Kleinhaus, A Reply to the National Conference of Bar Examiners: More Talk, No Answers, So Keep on Shopping, 44 OHIO N. UNIV. L. REV. 173 (2018) was cited in, William Wesley Patton, The Dangers of Delegating Attorney Licensing to Private and Non-Profit Corporations: The Inapplicability of Public Records Laws and Abdication of Government Protection During Health Crises, 58 Cal. W. L. Rev. 125 (2021).

Tiffany Graham, Conversion Therapy: A Brief Reflection on the History of the Practice and Contemporary Regulatory Efforts, 52 CREIGHTON L. REV. 419 (2019) was cited in, Samuel G. Bernstein, The Not-So-Straight First Amendment: Why Prohibitions on Conversion Therapy for Children Survive Strict Scrutiny, 63 B.C. L. REV. 1861 (2022).

Tiffany C. Graham, The Shifting Doctrinal Face of Immutability, 19 VA. J. SOC. POL'Y & L. 169 (2011), Nga Do, "Immutable" Incarcerated Bodies & the Social Death of Minority Identities in Prison, 31 S. CAL. REV. L. & SOC. JUST. 321 (2022).

Tal Kastner (& Ethan J. Leib), Contract Creep, 107 GEO. L.J. 1277 (2019), was cited in, Tania N. Valdez, Eliminating the Fugitive Disentitlement Doctrine in Immigration Matters, 97 NOTRE DAME L. REV. 963 (2022).

Tal Kastner (& Ethan J. Leib), Contract Creep, 107 GEO. L.J. 1277 (2019), was cited in, Vanessa Casado Pérez & Yael R. Lifshitz, Natural Transplants, 97 N.Y.U. L. REV. 933 (2022).

Eileen Kaufman (et al.), Society of American Law Teachers: Statement on the Bar Exam, 52 J. LEGAL EDUC. 446 (2002) was cited in, Khrystan Nicole Policarpio & Grecia Orozco, Together but Unequal: How the Covid-19 Pandemic Exacerbated the Inequities Harming Minority Law Students, 55 U.C. DAVIS L. REV. ONLINE 91 (2022).

Eileen Kaufman (Carol L. Chomsky and Andrea A. Curcio), A Merritt-Orious Path for Lawyer Licensing, 82 OHIO STATE L.J. 883 (2022), was cited in, Paul Caron, A Merritt-Orious Path for Lawyer Licensing, TAXPROF BLOG (Apr. 26, 2022).

Eileen Kaufman (et al.), Diploma Privilege, and the Constitution, 73 S.M.U. L. REV. F. 168 (2020), was cited in, Milan Markovic, Protecting the Guild or Protecting the Public? Bar Exams and the Diploma Privilege, 35 GEO. J. LEGAL ETHICS 163 (2022).

Deseriee Kennedy, Access Law Schools & Diversifying the Profession, 92 TEMP. L. REV. 799 (2020) was cited in, Courtney M. Echols & Tremayne W. Wilson, Overcoming Obstacles to Dei in the Legal Profession, ORANGE COUNTY LAW. 34 (June 2022).

Deseriee Kennedy, From Collaboration to Consolidation: Developing a More Expansive Model for Responding to Family Violence, 20 CARDOZO J.L. & GENDER 1 (2013) was cited in, Joan S. Meier, Denial of Family Violence in Court: An Empirical Analysis and Path Forward for Family Law, 110 GEO. L.J. 835 (June 2022).

Richard Klein, Legal Malpractice, Professional Discipline, and Representation of the Indigent Defendant, 61 TEMP. L. REV. 1171 (1988), was cited in, Milan Markovic, Protecting the Guild or Protecting the Public? Bar Exams and the Diploma Privilege, 35 GEO. J. LEGAL ETHICS 163 (2022).

Richard Klein, Due Process Denied: Judicial Coercion in the Plea Bargaining Process, 32 HOFSTRA L. REV. 1349 (2004), was cited in, Edward L. Rubin & Malcolm M. Feeley, Criminal Justice Through Management: From Police, Prosecutors, Courts, and Prisons to A Modern Administrative Agency, 100 OR. L. REV. 261 (2022).

Samuel J. Levine (& Bruce A. Green), Disciplinary Regulation of Prosecutors as a Remedy for Abuses of Prosecutorial Discretion: A Descriptive and Normative Analysis, 14 OHIO ST. J. CRIM. L. 143 (2016) & Samuel J. Levine, The Potential Utility of Disciplinary Regulation as a Remedy for Abuses of Prosecutorial Discretion, 12 DUKE J. CONST. L. & PUB. POL'Y 1 (2017), were cited in, Megan S. Wright (et. al.), Inside the Black Box of Prosecutor Discretion, 55 U.C. DAVIS L. REV. 2133 (2022).

Samuel J. Levine (& Bruce A. Green), Disciplinary Regulation of Prosecutors as a Remedy for Abuses of Prosecutorial Discretion: A Descriptive and Normative Analysis, 14 OHIO ST. J. CRIM. L. 143 (2016), was cited in, Shruti Modi, Prosecuting Prosecutors: How the Criminal Justice System Fosters Injustice through the Neglect of Prosecutorial Accountability, 61 S. TEX. L. REV. 551 (2021).

Samuel J. Levine, The Law and the “Spirit of the Law” in Legal Ethics, 2015 J. PRO. LAW. 1 (2015) was cited in, Kansas Supreme Court Justice Caleb Stegall, The Ethics of Decision-Making: Result Oriented Judging and the Oven of Akhnai, 70 U. KAN. L. REV. 593 (2022).

Samuel J. Levine, Teshuva: A Look at Repentance, Forgiveness and Atonement in Jewish Law and Philosophy and American Legal Thought, 27 FORDHAM URB. L.J. 1677 (2000) was cited in, Christof Breitsameter, SCHULD UND VERGEBUNG: EINE THEOLOGISCHE NEUKONTURIERUNG (2022).

Samuel J. Levine, WAS YOSEF ON THE SPECTRUM? UNDERSTANDING JOSEPH THROUGH TORAH, MIDRASH, AND CLASSICAL JEWISH SOURCES (2019), was cited in, Joyce Coomber Sewell, Has the Way Society Constructed their View of Autism Developed or Changed Since the 19th Century? (Master’s Thesis, Canterbury Christ Church University, 2022).

Samuel J. Levine, Portraits of Criminals on Bruce Springsteen's Nebraska: The Enigmatic Criminal, the Sympathetic Criminal, and the Criminal as Brother, 14 WIDENER L. J. 767 (2004) was cited in, Rhys Hester, There’s Just a Meanness in this World: Causes of Crime in Springsteen’s Nebraska, 22 J. CRIM. JUST. & POPULAR CULTURE 39 (2022).

Michael Lewyn, The Puzzling Persistence of Horizontal Privity, PROB. & PROP. (May-June, 2013) was cited in, Norman P. Ho, A Defense of Horizontal Privity in American Property Law, 91 MISS. L.J. 109 (2022).

John Linarelli, Global Legal Pluralism and Commercial Law, THE OXFORD HANDBOOK ON GLOBAL LEGAL PLURALISM (Oxford University Press, 2020) was cited in, Leon Anidjar, Corporate Law and Governance Pluralism, 2022 CAN. J. L. & JURIS. 1 (2022).

John Linarelli, International Trade Relations and the Separation of Powers Under the United States Constitution, 13 PENN ST. INT'L L. REV. 203 (1995), was cited in, David Harrison Talbot, The Evolution of the U.S. Trade Regime: From New Deal to Neoliberal, 1971 – 2001 (Doctoral Thesis, Queen’s College).

John Linarelli (M.E. Salomon, & M. Sornarajah), THE MISERY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW: CONFRONTATIONS WITH INJUSTICE IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY (2018), was cited in, Melisa N Handl, Sara L Seck, and Penelope Simons, Gender and Intersectionality in Business and Human Rights Scholarship, 2022 BUS. & HUM. RTS J. 1(2022).

John Linarelli (M.E. Salomon, & M. Sornarajah), THE MISERY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW: CONFRONTATIONS WITH INJUSTICE IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY (2018), was cited in, Lynette J. Chua, THE POLITICS OF RIGHTS AND SOUTHEAST ASIA (2022). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108750783

John Linarelli (M.E. Salomon, & M. Sornarajah), THE MISERY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW: CONFRONTATIONS WITH INJUSTICE IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY (2018), was cited in, Connor L. Smith, Reflections from the Brink of Tax Warfare: Developing Countries, Digital Services Taxes, and an Opportunity for More Just Global Governance with the Oecd's Two-Pillar Solution, 63 B.C. L. REV. 1797 (2022).

John Linarelli (Sue Arrowsmith, & Don Wallace), REGULATING PUBLIC PROCUREMENT: NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES (2000); John Linarelli, How Trade Law Changed: Why It Should Change Again, 65 MERCER L. REV. 621 (2013); & John Linarelli, PUBLIC CONTRACT LAW JOURNAL (2012), were cited in, Joshua Ikani Negedu, An Exploration of Public Procurement as an Instrument for Sustainable Development: The Case of Local Government Areas in Nigeria (Doctoral Thesis, Liverpool John Moores University, 2022).

John Linarelli (Sue Arrowsmith, & Don Wallace), REGULATING PUBLIC PROCUREMENT: NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES (2000), was cited in, Hamisi Sama, Philibert Ndunguru, & Paul Nsimbila, Transaction Costs and Competitive Tendering in Public Procurement: Moderating Role of Integrity, 16 AFR. J. BUS. MGMT. 130 (2022).

John Linarelli (Sue Arrowsmith, & Don Wallace), REGULATING PUBLIC PROCUREMENT: NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES (2000), was cited in, Hamisi Kileo Sama, Relevance of African Socio-Cultural Values in Curbing Corruption in Public Procurement, 8 J. INT’L TRADE, LOGISTICS & L. 37 (2022).

John Linarelli (Sue Arrowsmith, & Don Wallace), REGULATING PUBLIC PROCUREMENT: NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES (2000), was cited in, Tabitha Wangari, Caleb Odhiambo & Jackson Ndolo, Influence of Public Tender Requirement on Youths Accessibility to Government Procurement Opportunities Nakuru County, 5 GPH-INT’L J. SOC. SCI. & HUMAN. RSCH. 44 (2022). DOI: 10.24406/publica-29

John Linarelli, Legal Certainty: A Common Law View and a Critique, in THE SHIFTING MEANING OF LEGAL CERTAINTY IN COMPARATIVE AND TRANSNATIONAL LAW (Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2017), was cited in, Dominik Bons, Tan Gürpinar, Thuy Tien Nguyen & Nikolaus Kirn, RECHTSSICHERE NUTZUNG BLOCKCHAIN-BASIERTER SMART CONTRACTS [LEGALLY COMPLIANT USE OF SLOCKCHAIN-BASED SMART CONTRACTS] (Fraunhofer IML June 2022).

Meredith R. Miller, Contract Law, Party Sophistication and the New Formalism, 75 MO. L. REV. 493 (2009), was cited in, Troutman Pepper, Time May Not Solve Compliance Issues with NY Lending Law, JD SUPRA (June 29, 2022).

Meredith R. Miller, Challenging Gender Discrimination in Closely Held Firms: The Hope and Hazard of the Corporate Oppression Doctrine, 54 IND. L. REV. 123 (2021) was cited in, Ann M. Lipton, Capital Discrimination, 59 HOUS. L. REV. 843 (2022).

Meredith R. Miller, Going Beyond Rule 8.4(G): A Shift to Active and Conscious Efforts to Dismantle Bias, 10 J. RACE, GENDER & ETHNICITY 23 (2021), was cited in, Bruce A. Green & Rebecca Roiphe, ABA Model Rule 8.4(g), Discriminatory Speech, and the First Amendment, 50 HOFSTRA L. REV. 543 (2022).

Jeffrey Brandon Morris, CALMLY TO POISE THE SCALES OF JUSTICE: A HISTORY OF THE COURTS OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIRCUIT (2001), was cited in, Ryan Kirk, A National Court for National Relief: Centralizing Requests for Nationwide Injunctions in the D.C. Circuit, 88 TENN. L. REV. 515 (2021).

Jorge Roig (et al.), Afterword--What's Next? Into a Third Decade of LatCrit Theory, Community, and Praxis, 16 SEATTLE J. SOC. JUST. 823 (2018) was cited in, Francisco Valdes, Steven W. Bender, & Jennifer J. Hill, Afterword: Latcrit@25 and Beyond, Part II-Challenges and/as Opportunities: Centering "Hybridized" Advocacy Projects in Antisubordination Praxis to Connect Campuses and Communities for Material Long-Term Progress, 20 SEATTLE J. FOR SOC. JUST. 1053 (2022).

Patricia Salkin (& Amy Lavine), Understanding Community Benefits Agreements: Equitable Development, Social Justice and Other Considerations for Developers, Municipalities and Community Organizations, 26 UCLA J. ENV'T L. & POL'Y 291 (2008); Patricia Salkin (& Amy Lavine), Community Benefits Agreements and Comprehensive Planning: Balancing Community Empowerment and the Police Power, 18 J.L. & POL'Y 157 (2009) & Patricia Salkin, et. al, LAND USE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT REGULATION LAW (3d ed., 2021), were cited in, Hannah P. Stephan, Contracting with Communities: An Analysis of the Enforceability of Community Benefits Agreements, 40 MINN. J.L. & INEQ. 281 (2022).

Patricia E. Salkin, 4 American Law of Zoning § 33:5, Westlaw (5th ed. database updated May 2022) Garrison v. New Fashion Pork LLP, No. 21-0652, 2022 IOWA SUP. LEXIS 86 (June 30, 2022).

Patricia E. Salkin, 2 AM. LAW. ZONING § 12:22 (5th ed.), was cited in, Chunlin Leonhard, Lost in Interpretation: Lozes v. Waterson and Non-Conforming Uses in New Orleans, 68 LOY. L. REV. 1 (2021).

Patricia E. Salkin, Statewide Comprehensive Planning: The Next Wave, STATE AND REGIONAL COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING: IMPLEMENTING NEW METHODS OF GROWTH MANAGEMENT (Peter A. Buchsbaum & Larry J. Smith eds., 1993), was cited in, Edward J. Sullivan & A. Dan Tarlock, The Paradox of Change in the American West: Global Climate Destruction and the Reallocation of Urban Space and Priorities, 37 J. ENVTL. L. & LITIG. 23 (2022).

Patricia E. Salkin (& Amy Lavine), Negotiating for Social Justice and the Promise of Community Benefits Agreements: Case Studies of Current and Developing Agreements, 17 J. AFFORDABLE HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEV. L. 113 (2008), was cited in, Michael Haber, Transactional Clinical Support for Mutual Aid Groups: Toward A Theory of Transactional Movement Lawyering, 68 WASH. U. J.L. & POL'Y 215 (2022).

Patricia E. Salkin (et al.), Diploma Privilege, and the Constitution, 73 S.M.U. L. REV. F. 168 (2020), was cited in, Milan Markovic, Protecting the Guild or Protecting the Public? Bar Exams and the Diploma Privilege, 35 GEO. J. LEGAL ETHICS 163 (2022).

Martin Schwartz, Fundamentals of Section 1983 Litigation, 17 TOURO L. REV. 525 (2001), was cited in, Adam Crepelle, Holding the United States Liable for Indian Country Crime, KAN. J.L. & PUB. POL'Y, SPRING 2022 (2022).

Martin Schwartz, How the Supreme Court Enables Police Excessive Force, N.Y. L.J. (June 5, 2020) was cited in, Schyler B. Burney, Sorry, Not Sorry: An Empirical Review of Excessive Force Claims Focusing on Inconsistent Reasonableness Standards and Expressions of Sympathy, 91 MISS. L.J. 127 (2022).

Martin Schwartz, How the Supreme Court Enables Police Excessive Force, N.Y.L.J. (June 5, 2020), was cited in, Darren Lenard Hutchinson, "With All the Majesty of the Law": Systemic Racism, Punitive Sentiment, and Equal Protection, 110 CAL. L. REV. 371 (2022).

Martin Schwartz (Karen Blum & Erwin Chemerinsky), Qualified Immunity Developments: Not Much Hope Left for Plaintiffs, 29 TOURO L. REV. 633 (2013) was cited in, Caroline E. Lewis, Fourth Amendment Infringement Is Afoot: Revitalizing Particularized Reasonable Suspicion for Terry Stops Based on Vague or Discrepant Suspect Descriptions, 63 WM. & MARY L. REV. 1797 (2022).

Martin Schwartz (Karen Blum & Erwin Chemerinsky), Qualified Immunity Developments: Not Much Hope Left for Plaintiffs, 29 TOURO L. REV. 633 (2013) was cited in, Zachary R. Hart, Managing Judicial Discretion: Qualified Immunity and Rule 12(b)(6) Motions, 97 IND. L.J. 1479 (2022).

Martin Schwartz, SECTION 1983 LITIGATION (Kris Markarian ed., 3d ed. 2014), was cited in, Smith v. Kentucky, 2022 U.S. App. LEXIS 15375 (6th Cir. June 3, 2022).

Martin Schwartz, Should Juries Be Informed That Municipality Will Indemnify Officer's [Section] 1983 Liability for Constitutional Wrongdoing?, 86 IOWA L. REV. 1209 (2001), was cited in, Gazzola v. Cty. of Nassau, 2022 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 111609 (E.D.N.Y. June 23, 2022).

Martin Schwartz, SECTION 1983 LITIGATION (3d ed. 2014), was cited in, Anna Collins Peterson, Judge Wynn, Judicial Choice, and §1983, 100 N.C.L. REV. FORUM 307 (2022).

Marjorie A. Silver, Emotional Competence and the Lawyer's Journey, in THE AFFECTIVE ASSISTANCE OF COUNSEL: PRACTICING LAW AS A HEALING PROFESSION (Marjorie A. Silver ed., 2007) & Marjorie A. Silver, Love, Hate, and Other Emotional Interference in the Lawyer/Client Relationship, 6 CLINICAL L. REV. 259 (1999), were cited in, Lindsey P. Gustafson et. al., Teaching and Assessing Active Listening as a Foundational Skill for Lawyers as Leaders, Counselors, Negotiators, and Advocates, 62 SANTA CLARA L. REV. 1 (2022).

Marjorie A. Silver, Emotional Competence and the Lawyer's Journey, in THE AFFECTIVE ASSISTANCE OF COUNSEL: PRACTICING LAW AS A HEALING PROFESSION (Marjorie A. Silver ed., 2007), was cited in, Aric K. Short, Infusing Leadership Competencies into 1l Professional Identity Formation, 62 SANTA CLARA L. REV. 113 (2022).

Marjorie A. Silver, Commitment and Responsibility: Modeling and Teaching Professionalism Pervasively, 14 WIDENER L.J. 329 (2005), was cited in, Sarah J. Schendel, Due Dates in the Real World: Extensions, Equity, and the Hidden Curriculum, 35 Geo. J. Legal Ethics 203 (2022).

Marjorie A. Silver, Emotional Competence, Multicultural Lawyering and Race, 3 FLA. COASTAL L.J. 219 (2002), was cited in, Alexi Freeman & Erika Sisneros Kelley, Laying the Framework for Transformative Change: What Law Schools Can Do Now to Promote Anti-Racism, 23 RUTGERS RACE & L. REV. 39 (2021).

Peter Zablotsky, Mixing Oil and Water: Reconciling the Substantial Factor and Results-With-In-The-Risk Approaches to Proximate Cause, 56 CLEV. ST. L. REV. 1003 (2008) was cited in, Nora Freeman Engstrom & Michael D. Green, Tort Theory and Restatements: Of Immanence and Lizard Lips, 14 J. TORT L. 333 (2021).


Tal Kastner, in Barry Friedman, What Is Public Safety?, 102 B.U. L. REV. 725 (2022).

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